"To wish to be well is a part of becoming well" - Seneca
Complementary Therapies and The Potential Benefits of
Touch Therapies.
Touch has been long renowned as a human need. Whether it be the touch of your parents, or your loved ones. The caring message that touch gives, nurtures us as human beings. It can bolster our days, our health and our sense of wellbeing on a profound level.
Massage is rooted in our history and our ancient civilisations, with evidence shown in countries such as China dating back to 3000 BC.
Today massage is believed to potentially aid in a vast number of different complaints or imbalances.
Massage may:
Help relax you
Help you with relief from muscular aches and pains
Help you recover from injury
Aid you in an overall sense sense of wellbeing
Help in the improvement of your circulation of blood and lymph
Help relieve your physical tension.
Help improve your flexibility