"Each Bay, it's own wind"
Fijian Proverb
Lava Shell Massage
Lava Shells Massage is a heated massage using heated Tiger Clam shells. Tiger Clams are native to the Indo, Central and South Pacific Seas.
The Tiger Clams used are sourced from the Phillipines and their shells are by products of a food source. The shells are taken, polished and coated. This makes this form of massage very eco friendly.
This form of massage is used within some of the best spas within the world, including The Bali Leha Spa on Necker Island, The Hilton Syon Spa in London, Ragdale Hall, The Sanctuary Spa in Covent Garden to name a few.
Deep Relaxation: Due to the use of heat within the shells, this allows the muscles to warm up and loosen in a shorter time than hands on massage. The heat creates a therapeutic effect on the body by allowing the body to let go and relax, making the massage using both hands and shells more relaxing.
Easing of Deep Muscle and Soft Tissue Tension: This form of massage due to the use of heat, is very good for easing deep muscle tension. The heat penetrates the body with less difficulty than hands on massage, allowing greater ease of tension. It can loosen muscles in a deep manner, using less pressure than a hands on massage. Can be a great modality for people who would who have a lot of deep set tension, but find Deep Tissue or Sports Massages uncomfortable and therefore need a lighter pressure.
Easing of stiff Joints: The heat that is produced from the Tiger Clams also help penetrate the joints and boost circulation around joints, helping them to mobilise. This may help people who have stiff joints and aid in greater flexibility.
Included in your treatment:
>> An initial consultation to assess your needs through a Lava Shell Massage
>> A Lava Shell Massage customised to your needs for your body, using specialist professional grade oils.
>> After care advice for your needs. This may include exercise, relaxation techniques or suggestions of other methods that may benefit you.
>> Please Note: An extra 15 minutes is added to your treament time to allow for preparation and cleaning of the shells. This does not affect the duration time of the massage.